The role of religions, churches, and sects.
The role of churches, religions, sects.
Thinking about the evolution of Humanity and not mentioning the papal of Religions will be leaving out one of the most important aspects.
Religions are our Opio.
“The comparison of religion with opium already appears, for example, in the writings of Immanuel Kant, Johann Herder, Ludwig Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer, Moses Hess and Heinrich Heine. The latter, in 1840, in his essay on Ludwig Börne wrote:”
The churches, while preaching communion, blackmail the faithful with promises, that he will be saved, he will go to Heaven, that he will find the purification of his sperm, and so on, that is, we are only doing everything we do in churches, including good for others, but with an interest in our salvation, and our spirit, in the end, self-interest.
Of course, that already had information manipulated in our minds by religions and churches, and sects.