This site aims to discuss the Evolution of Humanity.
Questioned the moment we live in.
Why we got here.
And what will be our future. What will be the future of Humanity.
And what are the necessary changes to really evolve as HUMANITY, and consequently, to remain as living beings on this planet.
Because to continue with this crazy run, in the unrestrained search for INDIVIDUALITY, for the search for your own happiness, and for your own well-being, the satisfaction of the needs of your own life, come on, we will be heading towards our extinction.
How does your Participation work?
For each topic we will have one or more links, for more complete articles and with the presentation with thoughts, arguing the reasons, and opening space for the contradictory.
So before you jump to conclusions, look for articles that deal with the topic on which you would like to explain your thoughts, read them, think about the text and then you will have the opportunity to make comments, opening the contradictory.
What is our Future?
As Humanity?
To know our future it is necessary to find out how we got here.
How did we get here?
Understand where we are.
And mainly we accept that we are wrong and we need to change.
The role of churches, religions, sects.
The churches, at the same time that they preach communion, blackmail the faithful with promises, that he will be saved, he will go to Heaven, that he will find the purification of his spirit, and so on, that is, we are only doing everything that we do in churches, including good for others, but with an interest in our salvation, in our spirit, in short self-interest.
Who am I? A contumaás Thinker, visionary.
Stressing because I don’t understand why other people don’t understand me.
Tired of trying to change the world, of changing people, I decided to write silently as a way of recording how I see the world and our future.
Seeing the future is both a euphoria, but it puts you in the wrong place at the wrong time, because you want the future to be now.
Finish Does not exist.
The mad quest to finish what started is leading us to frustration.