The history of man’s evolution is known and we face natural selection in this trajectory, which obeys the basic criteria.

The strongest.
The most adapted.
The most intelligent.
of the fastest.
But like all living things, we are part of the ecosystem, which has groups that come together to survive.

After we learned to write, this maxim continued for many centuries, and the writings prove that we survived by being in a group, in community.

When did this formula start to disappear?
Exactly at the beginning of MERCANTILISM.
It was there that the unbridled search for profit began, for his own benefit.
that our recent history shows that we started searching for our well-being, which could be as an entrepreneur, or as a worker, what mattered was receiving for my effort.
Of course, this already had information manipulated in our minds by religions and churches, and sects.
Gradually we were more and more conquered, money started, then with benefits, vacations, prizes, etc…
Now money is no longer the most important.
Now the important thing is my well being.

Now the important thing is my well being. My life.
This is the new moment.
Now is the time to think.
Thinking like that is right?
But if it is wrong to think that way, what is right?