por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | mar 7, 2020 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
Our planet is full of diversity, and therefore we can say that there are people still living as in the Middle Ages, and there are said to be evolved, modern human beings, and we can even say that we are already living in the future. Everything around us is built from... por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | mar 6, 2020 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
This is a text written to keep a thought, and so that the theory can be proven in the future. Like this text, it must be read and disseminated only after 100 years of my death. I ask that you respect my wish, as I do not want my ideas to influence the outcome of... por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | mar 6, 2020 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
Tribus, Civitas versus cuiusque singillatim The humanist theories of the last millennia have led us to rethink our humanity. Here I want to rescue our culture of tribus, of community (civitas). What we are going to question are the concepts of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. and... por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | mar 6, 2020 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
We have millions of lights on at night without any need. because they only consume resources, and the Worst illuminates the night, which must be dark, so that all natural processes can happen. The street lights are turned on even if no one is passing by at the time.... por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | fev 27, 2020 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
Estamos com milhões de luzes acesas a noite sem qualquer necessidade. pois somente Consomem recursos, e o Pior iluminam a noite que deve ser escura, para que todos os processos naturais aconteçam. As ruas ficam a iluminação publica ligada mesmo que ninguem esteja... por Idelfonso Roberto Santos | dez 27, 2019 | Fim da Humanidade, Solução
dai a importância desse fato etsar bem claro definido.