This subject is here in the item thinking about the future for TODAY the Chamber of Deputies is voting on the Social Security amendment, and a huge fuss was made to defend the teachers.

P.S. = As we all know nothing is 100% there are always rare exceptions

Not that teachers are not important at any time. But they were very important for Brazilian politicians, DITA EDUCAÇÃO in the last 100 years has been subservient to politics.

In fact, we can say that Doormats, half the maneuvering mass of the Right and the other half the maneuvering mass of the Left, but in any case, our so-called education, not of political servants, of the worst policy that in any case defends the extremism, where only they who are the extremes are benefited.

but I am writing this because I saw in the vote on the highlight that the emeda text changed in favor of the teachers, besides a lack of vision.


Today there are already many more teachers from schools and students, they are inventing courses of all and more bullshit to see if they can get a job.

In 10 years there were vacancies for only 50% of the current teaching staff.

And in 50 years we will have a maximum of 10%.

So this race of politicians is very wrong if they think they will have this amount of servants in the coming years.

I’m not going to write any more because my goal is just to record the future of teachers.